Welcome Cousins!

For years I've been thinking of how to start up a newsletter or blog for us chu family cousins to all keep in touch and be able to post news and updates. So here it is, a blog for the time being, until I get a better system set up. Feel free to post announcements, letting us know what you are up to, and keeping in touch. Look forward to hear from you all often.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Finally we have get connected and updated...

As anxious as many cousins in Chu's family, this is a great start up platform to allow us to getting more familimar and receive life updates from each other!

I have been relocated to Bangkok 6 years ago with my two lovely kids Ryan and Claire and my wife - Janet.

Have been in touch with Tien Chien, Yuan, Fernando, Louie, Xiao Wen, Benny, Catherine, Janet, and Larry (my brother) on regular bases.

Living in Asia is truely more diversified and complex life styles and yet this century is belones to Asia.

Looking forward to see more of you and will post some photos as soon as I figure out how to do it.

Keep in toch and may joy and happiness be with you always.

Your couin,
Tom Chang

Monday, August 20, 2007

Getting Caught Up with Family

Well, it's probably been up to 10 years or more since I've seen some of my cousins. This summer, I've met up with Tien Chien and his family, as well as visiting uncle Mike, all on an impromptu trip over to ZhuHai to visit with my dad's friend Mei, and see his apartment there. I will post up some photos from the visit soon, in a few days. In the meanwhile, I will be seeing Ben on this Friday, while he is visiting home from Shanghai for a couple of weeks.

Jade Misaki Li-Ya Chu

My name is Jade Chu and if you think I am cute ...wait until you see my daddy...well, mommy is okay looking.
Ciao and love, Jade