Welcome Cousins!

For years I've been thinking of how to start up a newsletter or blog for us chu family cousins to all keep in touch and be able to post news and updates. So here it is, a blog for the time being, until I get a better system set up. Feel free to post announcements, letting us know what you are up to, and keeping in touch. Look forward to hear from you all often.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!

_ ◢████◣     _ _ ◢████◣
◢◤    ◥◣    ◢◤    ◥◣
◤      ◥◣  ◢◤      █
▎  ◢█◣  ◥◣◢◤   ...◢█  █
◣ ◢◤ ◥◣       ◢◣◥◣◢◤
◥█◤ ◢◤         ◥◣
    █ ●       ● █
    █ 〃   ▄   〃 █
    ◥◣   ╚╩╝   ◢◤
     ◥█▅▃▃ ▃▃▅█◤
       ◢◤   ◥◣ 
      ◢◤ .....  ..... ◥◣

This was sent to me by a friend, and I figure I'd forward this greeting on, to all of you :)

1 comment:

Tony said...

Ummm.....what does it say?